IAS Shanghai 2020 15th - 19th September 2020 Booth E170
IAS Shanghai 2020
You can find us at booth E170 together with our partner HONGKE. We will show you our new products and technologies for all aspects of industrial real-time communication.
- new: ICF - Industrial Communication Framework
- new: ICC - Industrial Communication Creator
- new: CC-LinkIE TSN Stack Master / Slave and Tools
- PROFINET stacks and tools
- EtherNetIP stacks and tools
- EtherCAT stacks and tools
- CANopen stacks and tools
- POWERLINK stacks and tools
- Multi - protocol solutions
- SoM system on module
- SoM Stack on Module
- Real time under Linux
- and much more
MENLOPARK and PORT exhibit at the EmbeddedTech 2021 in New Delhi

Together with our partner "Menlopark" we are exhibiting products and solutions related to the topic "Real Time Communication" in India. Find out the latest trends and technologies about CC-LinkIE TSN, TSN, PROFINET, EtherNetIP, EtherCAT, CANopen, J1939 and the ICF - ports "industrial communication framework"
Fair: EmbeddedTech India Expo
Time: 24th until 26th March 2021
Where: Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India
Booth: A4.320...
Embedded DevCon India 2019

At the Embedded DevCon India 2019, MONLOPARK and PORT present current trends and solutions in the area of Real Time Communication. Marcus Tangermann, CTO of the company PORT, will give a lecture on current trends and solutions. Embedded DevCon is designed to provide software and system developers the resources to understand and tackle complex challenges of developing a safe embedded system – from the Design to the Testing. The two-day conference will consist of only technical tracks of......
PROFINET Device Monitor Update V1.06 available
PROFINET Device Monitor The free of charge "PROFINET Device Monitor" and the "PROFINET Device Monitor - Command Line Tool" are easy to uses tools to support the developer during the development and testing phase of PROFINET capable devices. The tools are optimally adapted to the PROFINET stacks of PORT GmbH, but can also be used in other PROFINET networks. The tools allow to: scan networks for PROFINET capable devices regardless......
9th European Congress ERTS in Toulouse / France
- EMBEDDED REAL TIME SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS - We like to invite you to the 9th European Congress ERTS in Toulouse / France. 31th January to 2th February 2018 PORT GmbH and our partner NEOMORE present the latest trends in REAL-Time-Communication. We show the latest products in the area of stacks and tools. Furthermore, we advise you on the new available MCU platforms.read more....
NEW:: PROFINET Design Tool

For comfortable and easy configuration and object dictionary management, port provides its Unified DesignTool Platform which enables the user to develop communication solutions using port stacks rapidly. The individual functionality for each stack is realized by plug-ins for each protocol. So the user has only to learn how to work with one tool. The PROFINET DesignTool contains the Unified DesignTool Platform as well as the plug-in for port’s PROFINET IO......
Controller Area Network (CAN) and Industrial Ethernet Training Day.
Port GmbH, Warwick Control Technologies and Contemporary Controls Ltd, invite to a "Controller Area Network (CAN) and Industrial Ethernet......
PROFINET Demo for Renesas Starter Kit+ RX63N available
port GmbH now offers ready to use PROFINET demo device for the Renesas Starter Kit+ RX63N for download. port provides a flash image for the RENESAS Starter Kit+ RX63N implementing a CC-A PROFINET I/O device with 64 byte input and 64 byte output at 1ms cycle time. Beside a detailed documentation and the binary file, a YouTube video describes how to configure the......
Embedded World 2014
Welcome to a smarter world! Hall 1 Booth 638 – port GmbH Has been the slogan of the Embedded World for years already. We want to assent to this slogan and we would like to cordially invite you to visit the exhibition, the congress and of course to stop by and inform at our booth about the novelties at port. We would be glad to answer your questions and to accept your suggestions and wishes, in order to be able to provide quality......
CANopen Patch 4.4.p78 for CANopen Library available
We would like to inform you about the availability of a new patch for our ANSI-C CANopen libraries.(Art.No: 0564/xx) The following extensions / enhancements are included: implementation of a new callback to avoid the initialization of manufacture specific objects by the CANopen librarybetter multiline support for the CANopen safety packageimproved support for arrays of strings and......
POWERLINK – Use Cases in open, POWERLINK compatible networks
Use Cases - POWERLINK with FPGA and Soft-CPU This case is the most common use case, it allows for an excellent POWERLINK Performance and supports all outstandingPOWERLINK features.In this scenario a Hub-IP Core ensures low latency and low jitter in the line-structure of the network.A special component PE²MAC (POWERLINK Enhanced Ethernet MAC) provides a Autoreply functionality, which basically answersPoll-Request from the MN almost instantly with the corresponding Poll-Response. This......
surveillance audit for ISO 9001 - 2008 passed
port in May 2013, the annual surveillance audit for ISO 9001 - 2008 passed without "negative" characteristics. This is commendable in so far as by our growth in the last 2 years have changed many processes and had to be adjusted. Particularly the processes in the software and hardware development were affected by the changes. Transparency, documentation, ongoing quality assurance, code analysis, MISRA, project controlling and many other processes were integrated in the great process......