The CAN Wiki Site
Wiki based discussion forum of CAN related topics.
CANopen Software Description
This paper describes CANopen as a high level protocol to control the CANbus 11 bit identifier and the 8 data bytes as used among the different nodes on a bus segment.
CAN Remote Automation and Control with the AVR
Caraca - the free home automation project
CAN in Automation CiA Home Page
Home Page of many CAN/CANopen Standards.
Contemporrary Controls DeviceNet Tutorial
56 slides containing a DeviceNet seminar
EMS Dr. Thomas Wünsche GmbH
CAN Hardware and Development. EMS supports also our CANopen Library. Products from EMS are supported by our CANopen tools.
I+ME ACTIA Products
CAN Produkte von I+ME Actia Deutschland in Braunschweig - CAN Hardware and Development
I+ME supports also our CANopen Library. Products from I+ME are supported by our CANopen tools.
ROFES Project
project is called "Real-Time CORBA for embedded Systems" (ROFES). Besides Ethernet, ROFES supports other network architectures like CAN
Robert Bosch GmbH - CAN
BOSCH is the originator of CANInformation about CAN and Time Triggered CAN - TTC Datasheets CAN products: CC750/CC770