
CANopen for Microsemi SmartFusion®2 SoC FPGA

02/2021 - port GmbH is expanding its CANopen driver portfolio for the SmartFusion®2 SoC from Microsemi

 “Microsemi SmartFusion2 SoC FPGAs offer more resources in low density devices with the lowest power, proven security and exceptional reliability”1 – together with CANopen products from port GmbH a reliable fieldbus solution

With the new driver, CANopen can be operated as a slave or master. Various CiA profiles and bootloaders are also available. The driver is fully integrated in the ICC (Industrial Communication Creator f - formerly Design Tool).  A tool for the development of CANopen applications (devices). The object dictionary source code can be generated along with the device EDS file using prepared Device Profiles. Standard CiA-301, CiA-302 and many others network communication profiles are included.

1 Source Microsemi

Features: Single line, BasicCAN+FullCAN, 11+29bit IDs

Compiler/IDE: Microsemi SoftConsole v6.2.0.251 (with GCC Compiler)

Board: CPU -Type M2S060

Examples: s1,s2,s3,m1,m2