
Tracy and Brent The Tribune's own SEO is not very good, to put it mildly. Why aren't the paper's vchriaes even from a few years ago online and highly Googleable? It would add to the Trib's footprint online, to say nothing of its respect great work has been done in the past that now doesn't see much light. I followed a news story a few years ago I won't name here but it was covered by both the Trib and the New York Times. I recently tried Googling the Trib reporter's name, and none of the articles came up except for a few linked from the Tribune by another site. When I tried Googling the Times reporter? Even though that reporter was apparently no longer at the Times, all the links showed up on Google, and once linking over to the Times site, there was a handy archive that could be searched by topic or the reporter's name, going back for years and years. The Times also uses links within current stories that refer readers to archived coverage of that topic. Wish the Tribune did the same.

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