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ANSI-C CANopen Driver Package

The CANopen Driver Packages are the driver modules of the CANopen Library by port. The Driver Packages are the keys for the usage of the target system independent protocol library. They are designed for both target systems with and without operation systems.

ANSI-C CANopen Library

Universal ANSI-C conform and hardware independent software library for the CANopen higher layer CAN protocol. Supports development of devices. It is conform to the standard CiA-301 V4.2 and CiA-302.


The AT-CAN-MINI is a plain Basic-CAN interface for PC-AT bus compatible systems. It contains one opto decoupled SJA1000 CAN channel with 2x DSUB-9 connectors and is supported by various drivers. It is suitable for all kind of applications, where the main processor provides sufficient computation power to serve the Basic-CAN-Interface in an application specific manner. ** the product is obsolete ** 

CANopen Design Tool (Industrial Communication Creator - ICC)

A tool for the development of CANopen applications (devices). The object dictionary source code can be generated along with the device EDS file using prepared Device Profiles. Standard CiA-301 and CiA-302 network communication profiles are included.

CANopen Device Monitor

Tool for the graphical inspection and configuration of CANopens devices in a CANopen network. The embedded scripting ability makes it possible to access the implemented CANopen protocol services and to write test or control applications with a minimum of effort. Standard DS-301 network master.

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