
An unpolarized ("figure 8") power connector for groff pic

 define fig8power { [
   P1: circle rad 0.18 invis;
   P2: circle rad 0.18 invis;
   circle at P1 rad 0.05;
   circle at P2 rad 0.05;
   arc cw with .c at P1 from P1.se to P1.ne;
   arc cw with .c at P2 from P2.nw to P2.sw;
   spline at P1.ne down 0.05 right 0.05 then up 0.05 right 0.05 to P2.nw;
   spline at P1.se up 0.05 right 0.05 then down 0.05 right 0.05 to P2.sw;
   box with .w at P1 - (0.27, 0) wid 0.9 ht 0.7 rad 0.02;
 ] }

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