
Design and Software Implementation of a CAN/CAN Cut-through Bridge

M.Tenruh, E. Stipidis, M.J. English, ICC'99 The 6th International CAN Conference, Torino, Italy, November 1999.

The Configuration of the CAN Bit Timing

Florian Hartwich, Armin Bassemir; Robert Bosch GmbH?, Abt. K8/EIS


Even if minor errors in the configuration of the CAN bit timing do not result in immediate failure, the performance of a CAN network can be reduced signifi- cantly. In many cases, the CAN bit synchronization will amend a faulty configuration of the CAN bit timing to such a degree that only occasionally an error frame is gen- erated. In the case of arbitration however, when two or more CAN nodes simulta- neously try to transmit a frame, a misplaced sample point may cause one of the transmitters to become error passive. The analysis of such sporadic errors requires a detaile#d knowledge of the CAN bit synchronization inside a CAN node and of the CAN nodes' interaction on the CAN bus. The purpose of this paper is to describe the CAN bit synchronization algorithm and the parameters which have to be considered for the proper calculation of the CAN bit time. Some critical cases of resynchronizations will be demonstrated by waveforms simulated in the VHDL CAN Reference Model's testbench.

Applying Modern Software Design Principles: A CAN Tool Based on Extensibility

Markus Weseloh and Roland Rüiger


Software tools can be helpful in understanding the behaviour of complex technical systems. Quite often, however, present-day tools have to be accepted by the user on an "as is" basis without an easy way to customize the tool. New ideas and techniques of modern software technology promise a much higher degree of adaptability of software systems and, in particular, of graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This paper presents an architecture and a prototypical realization of an experimental tool designed along the lines of these novel ideas. The tool is based on a hierarchy of model layers for analyzing the temporal behaviour of CAN-systems. The underlying mathematical key ideas include: worst case analysis of response times, probabilistic error model, and quality measure of timeliness. The architecture allows to easily extend the system and to exchange, among other things, the basic equations, the algorithms, and the probability distributions involved without affecting other parts of the system.

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