

CAN-Report is the CAN analyzing tool of port. It provides plugins for higher layer protocols CanOpen, DeviceNet and SaeJ1939. It also has an interface for user applications using the TclTk scripting language. Thus it serves as a multifunctional tool.


Example applications

Test appliction 1

Receive a predefined number of messages in every supported bitrate. To switch bitrates some magic has to be present in your device. For example you could send a message with id 0x1 and the new bitrate as data content.

 # application.tcl
 # write text into main window
 InsertText? {} "# application.tcl loaded #" stdout
 #This procedure is called by the ResetTime? button in the user window.
 proc resettime {} {
     # not needed
 #This procedure is called by the Help item in the Help menu.
 proc do-help.usr {}  {
    InsertText? .usr "# No help available." stderr
 # application --
 # called everytime a message is received
 # Arguments:
 #   msg    - string from horch server
 # Result:
 proc application { msg } {
     # get id
     set id [get_can_id? $msg]
     # data length code
     set dlc  [get_dlc? $msg]
     # get data
     set data [get_data? $msg]
     if {$id == $::data(rx,id)} {
         # count number of received messages
         incr ::data($::data(curBitrate),msgCnt)
         # all messages received ?
         if {$::data($::data(curBitrate),msgCnt) == $::data(rx,maxMsg) } {
             # write text in user window
             InsertText? .usr "Test complete"
             set ::data(testState) "Ok"
         } else {
 	    # do whatever is needed
 # digi.init --
 # initialize internal variables
 # Arguments:
 # Result:
 proc digi.init {} {
     foreach bitrate [list 10 20 50 100 125 250 500 800 1000] {
 	set ::data($bitrate,msgCnt) 0
     set ::data(rx,id) 0x100
     set ::data(rx,maxMsg) 1000
     set ::data(tx,id) 0x101
     set ::data(tx,maxMsg) 1000
     set ::data(timeout) 5000
 # digi.startTest
 # run tests
 # Arguments:
 # Result:
 proc digi.startTest {} {
     foreach bitrate [list 10 20 50 100 125 250 500 800 1000] {
 	# set new bitrate and reset CAN
 	horch "b$bitrate"
 	horch "thR"
 	set ::data(curBitrate) $bitrate
 	set ::data(testState) ""
 	InsertText? .usr "Start test at bitrate $::data(curBitrate) KBit/s" stdout
 	# insert code to tell the device
 	# to send its test sequence
 	# in case not all messages are received
 	# stop test after 5 seconds
 	after $::data(timeout) {set ::data(testState) "timeout"}
 	# wait for messages or timeout
 	tkwait variable ::data(testState)
 	if { $::data(testState) ne "Ok" } {
 	    InsertText? .usr "Failed." stderr
 	} else {
 	    InsertText? .usr "Success." stdout
 	# some magic to switch to a new bitrate
        set b0 [expr {$bitrate >> 8}]
        set b1 [expr {$bitrate && 0xff}]
        wr 0x1 $b0 $b1
     InsertText? .usr "Test finished" stdout

Simulation of some messages

 # set of values
 set values {
 0 0 2 0 0 5 1 0 10 1 0 14 2 0 20 2 0 25 3 0 50 3 0 70 4 0 80
 5 0 90 9 0 100 10 0 130 11 0 160 15 0 200 16 0 220 20 1 0 25 1 200
 30 2 0 45 5 0 30 0 200 20 0 200 20 1 0 20 1 0 20 1 0 10 0 0 0  0 0

 # number of values
 set max [llength $values]

 set stop 0
 set cnt 0

 while {  $stop == 0 } {

     # 3 values are sent in one CAN message with the id 0x183
     wr 0x183 [lindex $values $cnt]\
              [lindex $values [expr $cnt + 1]]\
              [lindex $values [expr $cnt + 2]]
     incr cnt 3
     # the following 3 lines are a non-blocking wait 
     # for 500 ms
     set waitvar 0
     after 500 [list set ::waitvar 1]
     vwait ::waitvar

     # start again at the beginning of the list
     if { $cnt >= $max } {
          set cnt 0

Reading PDO information from CANopen devices

This little examples requires that the CANopen plugin is loaded.
 proc listPdoCobIds {{start 0} {end 512}} {
    # read RPDO Cob-ID
    for { set i $start } { $i < $end } { incr i } {
        set index [expr 0x1400 + $i]
        puts "COB-ID RPDO $i: [format 0x%x [r $index 1 u32]]"
    puts ""
    # read TPDO Cob-ID
    for { set i $start } { $i < $end } { incr i } {
        set index [expr 0x1800 + $i]
        puts "COB-ID TPDO $i: [format 0x%x [r $index 1 u32]]"

 proc listPdoMapping {{start 0} {end 512}} {
    # read RPDO mapping
    for { set i $start } { $i < $end } { incr i } {
        set index [expr 0x1600 + $i]
        set pdoMapCnt [r $index 0 u8]
        puts "RPDO $i"
        for {set j 1} { $j <= $pdoMapCnt } { incr j } {
            puts "    Mapping $j: [format 0x%x [r $index $j u32]]"
    puts ""
    # read TPDO mapping
    for { set i $start } { $i < $end } { incr i } {
        set index [expr 0x1A00 + $i]
        set pdoMapCnt [r $index 0 u8]
        puts "TPDO $i"
        for {set j 1} { $j <= $pdoMapCnt } { incr j } {
            puts "    Mapping $j: [format 0x%x [r $index $j u32]]"


Configure error control services

 proc setNodeguarding { guardtime lifetime } {

    w 0x100c 0 u16 $guardtime
    w 0x100d 0 u8 $lifetime
 proc setHeartbeat { hbttime } {
     w 0x1017 0 u16 $hbttime

Simulate Nodeguarding of CANopen devices

Works with CAN-REport 3.3 and later.

This example uses the on message command from the embbeded scripting language. Whenever a message with the given id is received the script is executed. Within the script there is the array this which contains the elements id, data and type.

A global variable co_state? is used to store the current NMT state of the device. This variable has to be set before any guarding message was received.

 for {set i 1} { $i <127} { incr i } {
     set ::co_state?($i) 5
 on message 0x721 {
    set nid [expr $this(id) & 0x7f]
    set ::co_state?($nid) [expr $::co_state?($nid) ^ 0x80]
    wr $this(id) $::co_state?($nid)

Monitor Heartbeat messages

Tested with CAN-REport 3.4.

This example makes use of the "User Plugin" of the CAN-REport.

 # application.tcl
 # InsertText? {} "# application.tcl loaded #" stdout
 #This procedure is called by the ResetTime? button in the user window.
 proc resettime {} {
     InsertText? .usr "# this function is not implemented yet" stderr
     ;#reset internal time
 #This procedure is called by the Help item in the Help menu.
 proc do-help.usr {}  {
    InsertText? .usr "# No help available." stderr
 variable _colors
 set _colors(nmtstate,bootup) blue
 set _colors(nmtstate,preop) orange
 set _colors(nmtstate,op) green
 set _colors(nmtstate,stopped) red
 set _colors(nmtcmd,resetappl) ""
 set _colors(nmtcmd,resetcomm) ""
 set _colors(nmtcmd,Bootup) ""
 set _colors(nmtcmd,Op) green4
 set _colors(nmtcmd,Preop) orange3
 set _colors(nmtcmd,Stopped) red4
 set _colors(nmtcmd,resetappl) white
 set _colors(nmtcmd,resetcomm) yellow
 variable _nodes
 for {set i 1} {$i < 128} {incr i} {
     set _nodes($i,nmtstate) 0xff
 proc application { msg } {
 variable _widgets
 variable _colors
 variable _nodes
     # get id
     set id [get_can_id? $msg]
     # data length code
     set dlc  [get_dlc? $msg]
     # get data
     set data [get_data? $msg]
     if { ($id == 0) } {
     	set cmd [lindex $data 0]
     	set node [format %d "0x[lindex $data 1]"]
 	set tag node$node
     	switch $cmd {
 	     "80" {
 	        set color $_colors(nmtcmd,Preop)
 	     "01" {
 	        set color $_colors(nmtcmd,Op)
 	     "81" {
 	        set color $_colors(nmtcmd,resetappl)
 		set _nodes($node,nmtstate) $cmd
 	     "82" {
 	        set color $_colors(nmtcmd,resetcomm)
 	        InsertText? .usr $msg stdout
 		set _nodes($node,nmtstate) $cmd
 	     default {
 	     	set color $_colors(nmtcmd,Stopped)
 	set bbox [$_widgets(canvas) bbox $tag]
 	$_widgets(canvas) create rect $bbox -fill $color -tag state$node
 	$_widgets(canvas) raise $tag
     # puts $id
     # EMCY monitoring
     if { ($id == 0xff) } {
 	set errCode "0x[lindex $data 1][lindex $data 0]"
 	set node [format %d "0x[lindex $data 3]"]
 	switch $errCode {
 	    "0xff80" {
 		set index "0x[lindex $data 5][lindex $data 4]sub[lindex $data 6]"
 		set ::emcyText "Configuration write failed for node $node: $index"
 	    "0xff81" {
 		set index "0x[lindex $data 5][lindex $data 4]sub[lindex $data 6]"
 		set ::emcyText "Configuration check failed for node $node: $index"
 	    "0xff82" {
 		set ::emcyText "Configuration finished for node $node"
     # heartbeat monitoring
     if { ($id > 0x700) && ($id < 0x780)} {
     	set node [expr {$id & 0xff}]
 	set tag node$node
 	set state [lindex $data 0]
 	switch -- $state {
 	     "00" {
 	        set color $_colors(nmtstate,bootup)
 	     "7f" {
 	        set color $_colors(nmtstate,preop)
 	     "05" {
 	        set color $_colors(nmtstate,op)
 	     default {
 	     	set color $_colors(nmtstate,stopped)
 	# update only on state change
 	if { $_nodes($node,nmtstate) ne $state } {
 	    set _nodes($node,nmtstate) $state
 	    set bbox [$_widgets(canvas) bbox $tag]
 	    $_widgets(canvas) create rect $bbox -fill $color -tag state$node
 	    $_widgets(canvas) raise $tag
 proc initUI {} {
 variable _widgets
 variable _colors
     set w .desy
     toplevel $w
     set lf [labelframe $w.f -text " NMT States "]
     set c $lf.c
     canvas $c -bg [$w cget -bg] -width 380 -height 410
     set column 0
     set columnMax 12 
     set x 0
     set y 0
     set dx 30
     set dy 30
     for {set nodes 1} {$nodes < 128} {incr nodes} {
 	if { $column % $columnMax == 0 } {
 	    incr y $dy
 	    set x 0
 	incr column
 	set x [incr x $dx]
 	$c create text $x $y \
 	    -text [format %3d $nodes] -tag node$nodes
     set x $dx
     set x [expr $dx +80]
     set dy 20
     set letterWidth 3
     set bheight 10
     set bwidth 10
     incr y $dy
     set column 0
     $c create text $dx [expr {$y + $bheight -4}] -text State
     foreach nmtColor [lsort [array names _colors nmtstate,*]] {
 	set descr [string totitle [lindex [split $nmtColor ,] 1]]
 	set xlen [expr {[string length $descr] * $letterWidth + 55}]
 	if { $_colors($nmtColor) ne "" } {
 	    set bbox [list $x $y [expr {$x + $bwidth}] [expr {$y + $bheight}]]
 	    $c create rect $bbox -fill $_colors($nmtColor)
 	    $c create text [expr {$x + $bwidth + 30}] [expr {$y + $bheight -4}] -text $descr
 	set x [expr {$x + $xlen}]
 	incr column
     set x [expr $dx +80]
     incr y $dy
     set column 0
     $c create text $dx [expr {$y + $bheight -4}] -text Command
     foreach nmtColor [lsort [array names _colors nmtcmd,*]] {
 	set descr [string totitle [lindex [split $nmtColor ,] 1]]
 	set xlen [expr {[string length $descr] * $letterWidth + 55}]
 	if { $_colors($nmtColor) ne "" } {
 	    set bbox [list $x $y [expr {$x + $bwidth}] [expr {$y + $bheight}]]
 	    $c create rect $bbox -fill $_colors($nmtColor)
 	    $c create text [expr {$x + $bwidth + 30}] [expr {$y + $bheight -4}] -text $descr
 	set x [expr {$x + $xlen}]
 	incr column
 	if {$column % 4 == 0 } {
 	    incr y $dy
 	    set x [expr $dx +80]
     pack $c -expand 1 -fill both -padx 5 -pady 5
     pack [button $lf.b -text "Reset" -command [list resetHbtState $c]]
     pack $lf -padx 5 -pady 5 -expand 1 -fill both 
     set ::emcyText "                                                  "
     set lf [labelframe $w.f2 -text " EMCY CANopen Manager "]
     set _widgets(emcy) [label $lf.l -textvariable ::emcyText -width 50]
     pack $_widgets(emcy) -padx 5 -pady 5 -expand 1 -fill x -anchor w
     pack $lf -padx 5 -pady 5 -expand 1 -fill x
     set _widgets(win) $w
     set _widgets(canvas) $c
 proc resetHbtState { c } {
 variable _nodes

     for {set i 1} { $i < 128 } { incr i } {
        set _nodes($i,nmtstate) x
 	$c delete state$i
 proc reload {} {
 variable _widgets
     destroy $_widgets(win)
     source application.tcl
 # initialize UI

Work with binary data

Tested with CAN-REport 4.0

This example makes use of the "User Plugin" of the CAN-REport.

 proc application { msg } {
     set time [get_time? $msg]  

     # get id
     set id [get_can_id? $msg]

     # data length code
     set dlc  [get_dlc? $msg]

     # get data
     set data  [get_data? $msg]
     set bdata [binary format H* [string map {{ } {}} $data]]

     # The CAN message contains data in form of:
     # 1 Byte
     # 3 Unsigned 16 Bits values in Big Endian byte order
     # The variables temp1, temp2, temp3 contain the values
     binary scan $bdata cSSS channel temp1 temp2 temp3

Collapsable Text in User window

Sometimes the Data in a CAN Frame contains bit encoded data. Displaying the data would need several lines. For a better overview it is desirable to only show some important bits in a single line and provide a detailed view on request, ie. the detailed analysis is shown on a button press. The following code shows how to do it.

 image create photo uparrow   -data R0lGODlhDAAMAJEAAP///9TQyAAAAAAAACwAAAAADAAMAAACEIyPqcudAqNQcq7orNu8qwIAOw==
 image create photo downarrow -data R0lGODlhDAAMAJEAAP///9TQyAAAAAAAACwAAAAADAAMAAACEoyPqcsobcRrcq5qU6VZdQgmBQA7

 proc gk::InsertTextEx? {msg {detail {}}} {
 variable id
 upvar ::widgets(.usr,text) t
     $t insert end $msg\n stdout1
     if { $detail ne "" } {
         lassign [split [$t index end] "."] L C
         set startIdx $L
         incr L -2
         set C [$t count -displaychars $L.0 $startIdx.0]
         set tag b[incr id]
         $t tag configure $tag -background #fafbf0 -lmargin1 50 -lmargin2 60 -font {Consolas 8}
 	set b $t.$tag
 	button $b -text "+" -command [list ElideToggle? $t $tag] \
                     -image downarrow -cursor hand2 \
                     -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \
                     -pady 0

         $t window create $L.$C -window $b
  	 $t insert end ${detail}\n $tag
         set endIdx [$t index end]
         $t tag config $tag -elide 1
 proc ElideToggle? {w tag} {
     set b $w.$tag
     if {[$b cget -text] eq "-"} {
         $b config -text + -image downarrow
         $w tag config $tag -elide 1
     } else {
         $b config -text - -image uparrow
         $w tag config $tag -elide 0


more lines within the main window (CR 4.0.3)

 set ::ST(line_limit?) 100000

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